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NAME (year)


Christopher Sanders(2025)

Actor, Comedian, and Improviser, Christopher Sanders is a country boy originally from a tiny, one-stop-light town in Southwest Michigan called Schoolcraft; but you haven't heard of it so let's just say Kalamazoo. At a young age he discovered the power of making people laugh and that suddenly became his sole purpose in life. Even more important than growing up to become a zoologist! He started pursuing roles in middle school and never looked back. That is until after his first semester of college at Western Michigan University where he, for some reason, decided to join the Army at the beginning of 2001. Being funny would take a back seat for about four and a half years including a combat deployment to Afghanistan. After his honorable discharge he jumped right back in the saddle and moved to Chicago where he graduated from the Second City Theater Conservatory and found himself traveling the world performing improv for colleges and military installations with Catharsis Productions - more than 1,000 shows over 7 years! Since moving to Los Angeles, where he now lives with his wife and their two adorable boys, Chris has found success both on camera and behind the microphone. Appearing in hit television shows like Yellowstone, NCIS: Los Angeles, and Teachers as well as starring in commercial campaigns for several brands. His many voices have been heard in promos for FanDuel and AT&T, games like Call of Duty Mobile and a 3D interactive Men In Black experience, as well as on the big screen as the voice of the Narrator in the surprisingly popular Grinch Horror Parody: The Mean One. Currently Chris can be heard as a regular cast member on The Super Legit Podcast, adapted from his award winning improv team's stage show, released every other Wednesday on every platform.


Filme (1)

The Mean OneNarrator (voice)